Few important facts about composite veneers to help you take an informed decision

Composite veneers are a popular cosmetic dentistry procedure in the contemporary UK. It is comparatively a much less invasive procedure to restore your smile. The procedure is also is also called “same day veneers”. Restoration of chipped, worn or broken teeth is easier than ever when composite resin is directly sculpted onto the teeth. The resin material masks all the existing flaws and delivers stunning results that look nothing less than natural. This dentistry procedure is by and large different from dental fillings, crowns and bridges although the same material is used. The procedure also proves to be more aesthetically functional than the rest.

The entire procedure of composite veneers gets over in just a single visit to a dentist and this procedure is a conservative alternative to porcelain. Composite veneers are made from translucent resin and require being carefully sculpted and hardened. Compared to porcelain, composite is way more versatile and can easily last anywhere between 5 and 7 years. The composite procedure is also much more reasonable in price, costing around £300 to £450 per tooth whereas porcelain treatment charges within £720 and £950 per tooth.

Reasons why composite veneers is so popular

There are lots of reasons that fuel popularity of composite veneers including the following.

  • Fast and quick procedure – the entire procedure gets successfully over in just a single appointment with your dentist
  • Much lesser in cost compared to porcelain or any other option and hence, more easily affordable
  • The procedure is much less invasive – unlike the other alternative options this procedure does not cause any serious damage to the natural structure of your tooth
  • The results are highly impressive and lifelike – it is indeed hard to distinguish between your veneered teeth and the natural teeth

A dentist who deals with composite veneers in London over the years says it is both possible and easy to put composite resin on as many of the teeth as you want. The cost also comes down to pretty reasonable figures. It costs nearly one fifth of the standard charge of porcelain veneers. That is why composite veneers are considered an ideal alternative to porcelain for aesthetic and cosmetic purposes. Moreover composite veneers are also effective in masking a range of dental flaws and problems that make you self-conscious while smiling.

Composite resin – what is it?

Composite resin material that is used in modern dentistry is a special material that is manufactured for dentistry purposes. Basically it is a paste which has to be applied to the tooth and then it has to be sculpted much like putty to bring it to a desired shape. Once it has attained its desired shape it is hardened using a special light and this process is also called light curing. In the last step it is polished and given a perfect finishing ensuring your veneered tooth does not standout from rest of the natural teeth in the mouth.

Composite materials are highly advanced and are fast evolving. As a result the range of materials can deliver more natural-looking, translucent and impressive results for your teeth. Renamel (introduced by Cosmodent) and Filtek (introduced by 3M) are two major brands of composite that are used in the dental industry. It is also important to mention that composites are not only safer but also more effective in restoring smiles and this fact has already been tested and proved in millions of cases worldwide. Composite bonding is relatively a fresh dental procedure and has been introduced only recently. This procedure is more preferred by younger generations of dentists who emphasise on preserving the underlying structure of the tooth along with keeping the mouth of patients healthy and free from diseases.

When you go for preserving your tooth they will always ask you whether you would like to prepare your teeth with drilling. It is highly important to remember that full Composite veneers in London UK treatment can be unbelievably damaging, warns a dentist who deals with composite veneers in the UK. In fact this is potentially more dangerous for younger patients and neither there will be any turning back from veneers ever again! The underlying teeth will only look this way for the rest of one’s lifetime. Now you may ask why those dentists offer this damaging and outdated type of veneers treatment to their patients. The answer is simple, this range of dentists either did not upgrade their skills by mastering the procedure of composite veneers or they do lack the artistic skills to deliver patients with a lifelike dental restoration.

Composite resin – what is it?

When composite resin material is applied, hardened with light curing and polished it becomes composite veneer which provides you with a brand new and absolutely perfect surface of your teeth. The old and existing natural surface of the tooth may have turned damaged, worn out, discoloured or yellowish. In easier words if the natural teeth become aesthetically unappealing you can rely on composite veneers solution to restore those to their original glory.

Composite versus porcelain veneers

Composite veneers are way different from their porcelain counterparts and these are how they differ.

  • Same day or a single appointment

An entire composite veneers solutions right from preparing the tooth for the treatment to delivering full and final results is completed in just a single visit to a dentist. There is no additional or follow up appointments with this procedure. In fact composite veneers treatment can last under an hour easily while at the most it can take about a few hours. There is no wait time or turnaround time with this treatment; you get beautiful results almost instantly with the ending of the procedure.

At the opposite end porcelain veneers procedure includes several steps and appointments with a dentist to get complete. Even before fitting the final veneer, temporary veneer will be fitted to your teeth as there will be several follow up or repeat appointments with the dentist. There will also be a master ceramist who will be custom creating your porcelain veneer in a dental lab. The work of the ceramist will cost you both time and money.

Composite veneers in London UK cost much less than porcelain veneers. Porcelain veneers for each tooth costs within the range of £720 to £950 whereas that of composite veneers costs around £300 to £450 each tooth. According to dentists at the Bayswater Dental Clinic in London several factors are responsible for the higher price of porcelain veneers including the lab work, the material used and the dental work. The two procedures or treatments are completely different from each other.